Saturday, October 10, 2009

Most of us eat to feed our stomachs at least 2-3 times day. It has
become a habit and something we do to satisfy our body's hunger.

However, have you considered how often you feed your mind and your
soul? If you want to grow in terms of your emotional strength and
mental strength and abilities, then you have to constantly feed
your mind and soul as often as you feed your body. If not, the only
growth you will achieve is in growing fat.

One of the things that has really helped me to become successful is,
I got into the habit of constantly
feeding my mind everyday. I would constantly read books on success,
money, sales, marketing, leadership etc.. I also would like to read
lots of biographies. My favourite ones are on Richard
Branson, Steve Jobs and Donald Trump.

So,I able to make great decisions because I feel like I have got 
a few hundred years of experience in my brain. How did I find the 
time to read so much? My habit has always been to carry a book in my
 bag at all times. 

So, every time I am waiting for someone, taking the bus (when I was 
a student), in the toilet etc... I would grab the book and start 
reading. Doing this, I would be able to finish at least 1-2 books a 
week. Today, I read a lot when I am on the plane, waiting at the 
airport and when I am driving (I listen to audio books).

Be careful also about what you feed into your mind. When you keep
eating junk food, it will spoil your health and making you slow and
lethargic. At the same time, you have to ask yourself what you are
feeding your mind everyday. What magazines do you read? Which
websites do you visit? What shows do you watch? What are the last 5
books you have read.

When people tell me that they want to become rich, I am shocked to
learn that they never read information that will feed their mind in
the right way. They don't read magazines like Forbes, The Edge, The
Economist. They don't watch programmes like CNBC, CNN Money. They
don't got to websites like, or They don't read books on investing, financial
planning, property etc... They don't read the money pages on the
newspapers. Instead they feed their minds with FHM, Sports Pages,
Lifestyle etc... Nothing wrong with all theses things, It's just that
it will not feed your mind to become rich, just entertained.
In order to constantly feel inspired, re-charged, fulfilled and
motivated, we also have to constantly feed and nourish our soul.
Different people feed their souls in different ways. Some people
pray, others meditate, others write journals and some go on nature

If you constantly feel stressed, drained or unfulfilled, you
probably have not allocated the time to nourish your soul and
spirit daily. So, feed your mind and soul today to create the
mental and emotional strength you need. >>>Click Here<<<